``'isha (r) reported:
>> The Messenger of God (s) used to say often before his death:
“Glory be to God, and all praise is due to Him! I ask God for forgiveness and turn to Him in repentance!” <<
* in the original: Subhân-ALLÂHi wa bi hamdih. AstaghfiruLLÂH wa atûbu ilayh.
(Bukhârî and Muslim)
What does hadith mean?
“Hadith” is an Arabic word that can be translated as ‘narration’, ‘tradition’ or ‘saying’. A hadith is a narrated statement, action or approval of the Prophet Muhammad (S). Alongside the Qur'an, hadiths are an important source for the Islamic way of life. They were handed down and collected orally and in writing by the Prophet's companions and later generations.
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