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What does a personal prayer request in the form of wishes involve? 

What does a personal prayer request in the form of wishes involve?


A personal prayer request in the form of wishes is an individual request or concern that someone makes in their prayer. It often reflects deeply personal needs, hopes or challenges. Here are the main components of such a prayer request:

1. clarity of the request:

- Concrete request: The request should be clear and specific. It could be a specific request for help, guidance, healing, protection or blessing.

- Example: “I ask for healing for my sick mother” or “I ask for wisdom to make a difficult decision.”

2. intention and motivation:

- Inner attitude: the intention behind the prayer should be honest and sincere. It is about expressing your own wishes and needs in an honest dialog with God.

- Example: “I pray that I will find the strength to show patience and understanding.”

3. gratitude:

- Giving thanks for what has already been received: It is often helpful to include gratitude in prayer to give thanks for what has already been received and to show a positive attitude.

- Example: “Thank you for the many blessings in my life and for the support I have already received.”

4. humility and submission:

- Admission of limitations: Humility is emphasized in many religious traditions. This means acknowledging that you are not always in control and are open to God's will.

- Example: “I ask for your guidance, but I accept that your plan may be different than my desire.”

See also on this topic:


5. intercession:

- Prayer for others: Personal prayer requests can also include intercessions for others who need support, healing or guidance.

- Example: “I pray for the healing of my friend who is struggling with health problems.”

6 Hope and trust:

- Faith in answering: prayer should be accompanied by hope and trust that God hears the requests and may answer in a way that is best.

- Example: “I trust that you will hear my request and help me according to your will.”

7. benevolence and positivity:

- Wish for good: the wording of wishes should be positive and good-natured, without negative intentions or harm to others.

- Example: “I wish for peace and harmony in my family and ask for your help so that we can grow together.”


A personal prayer request in the form of wishes involves the clear and sincere expression of needs and hopes, accompanied by gratitude, humility, intercession, hope and positive desire. It is a form of personal expression and dialog that reflects spiritual connection and trust in God.


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